Monday, May 2, 2016

Blog #4:Layers Of A Black Hole

A black hole has three layers, the outer and inner layer as one, an even horizon, and the singularity.
 The event horizon of the mass is the boundary around the mouth of the black hole where light loses the ability to escape.This reason not even light can't escape a black hole is because within the event horizon, space is curved  to the point where all directions are actually pointing inside, kind of like a funnel. Once a particle enters the event horizon it can't leave.
" is curved to the point where all directions are actually pointing inside"

The center of the black hole is called the singularity.This word basically means a squashed up star. This layer is also where gravity is the strongest.In a non-rotating black hole the singularity is a point, it has zero length, width, and zero height

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